Litter Box Sanitation Service
Solutions through Cleanliness and Understanding a Cat's Behaviors
Did you know your cat's litter box should be completely emptied, sanitized, and refilled every month? Some people try to get around this by using those bulky, messy plastic liners, which can often cause an even bigger issue.

We understand that deep cleaning your cat's litter boxes can be a daunting, time consuming, and physically demanding task, which is why many people tend to avoid it.
Ocala Pet Sitting offers a solution to these problems by providing regular sanitation services for your cat's litter boxes. This means that you won't have to worry about cleaning the boxes yourself, lifting and pouring heavy litter or dealing with that ammonia smell and build-up.
You can keep your hands clean and your cat happy while still ensuring that your cat's living area is hygienic and healthy.
We offer these services with or without vacation pet care and we can put you on a regular schedule so you won't have to remember when it's time.
We Offer You Solutions to Common Questions about Cats & their Litter Boxes
Why there a bad smell coming from my cat's litter box even though I scoop it regularly?
Even the most dilegant scooping and cleaning of your cat's litter boxes can lead to a bad smell in the home. One of the most common reasons is forgetting to completely dump, sanitize, and refill your cat's box every 4-8 weeks. Ocala Pet Sitting offers a solution to these problems by providing regular sanitation services for your cat's litter boxes.
This means that you won't have to worry about cleaning the boxes yourself, lifting and pouring heavy litter or dealing with that ammonia smell and build-up.
You can keep your hands clean and your cat happy while still ensuring that your cat's living area is hygienic and healthy and your home is odor-free.
We use all-natural white vinegar to sanitize your boxes. No harsh chemicals or harmful deodorants are needed in or around your cats litter when you use this method of cleaning.
May we politely add that the use of plug-in type fragrances are extremely harmful to all pets (and humans to be honest) and should not be used to cover up pet smells. Please read this article on toxic air fresheners. It's possible your pet may already be showing allergy signs due to using these.
We want you and your pets to have a happy, healthy life, that's why we offer Litter Box Sanitation services with or without vacation pet care. Ask us to put you on a regular schedule so you won't have to remember when it's time.
Why is my kitty suddenly urinating or pooping outside of their box?
We get asked this question a lot by just about anyone who has a cat. This is a question with a lot of possible answers and we've got a few solutions to offer you.
First, we need to try and understand why your cat's behavior has changed. What has changed in their environment? Cats are very sensitive to change and this is often the result and usually means they are trying to tell you something.
Did you move houses, rearrange the furniture, or have a renovation going on?
Are you scooping their box less than normal?
Did you recently get a new pet?
Did you change the type of litter or location of their boxes?
Did you leave them longer than usual, for instance, a change of jobs, work schedule, or vacation?
Are new people coming into the house?
Have they been to the vet lately?
Often we make some of these changes in our lives and don't equate those changes to finding a spot of pee on the carpet. But, once you realize the reasons behind the behavior you can come up with some solutions.
6 Things you can try to encourage your kitty to return its bathroom habits back to the box:
Please take your cat to the vet and get a full workup. Cats are masters at hiding illness and changes in their behavior such as urinating or pooping outside their litter box can indicate something is wrong. Please get a check-up and make sure your beloved kitty is healthy before trying other solutions.
It could be the boxes themselves. Try offering them different styles - lid or no lid, or perhaps a lower entry for senior cats.
Change the location of the box or add multiple locations. If your kitty is consistently going in the same corner over and over, try putting a box there. That is where they feel most comfortable to go. Keep in mind most cats do not want to potty near their food and water. They also won't go in a box that makes them feel another cat or pet may be able to jump out and surprise them.
Give them the option of more than one type of litter. Often cats have a preference and this may help.
Clean the box more often. This is pretty self-explanatory, but most cats don't want to climb back into a dirty box, or a box another cat has gone potty in already.
If you've recently brought home a new pet, you'll want to separate them from your kitty and introduce them very slowly. There are wonderful resources online on this topic.
If you've had a change in your work schedule, you may want to consider having a cat sitter stop by during the work day. Many people think this type of mid-day visit is only for dogs, but no!- cats love a mid-day visit, too! Mid-day cat visits can really help in the transition when you have be gone from home during long work days. Your litter boxes can get scooped, but most importantly your cat sitter can provide them with human companionship while you work.
Having new people come into the home is not a bad thing for your cat, not at all. It's good for them to be socialized and get used to people's smells and voices, as long as the person isn't forcing an interaction with the cat. As professional pet sitters we often meet cats who have not seen anyone other than their family and we've learned to be patient and give them time to build a bond with us.
If your cat goes potty outside of their box when someone new comes into the home, that's ok. Understanding that's what is happening can go a long way in supporting your cat in their needs.
Many people think that it's ok to visit shy or timid cats 15 minutes or less per day or even every few days, but our experience has taught us differently. Shy cats who are visited more often and given more time with their cat sitter are more likely to warm up to us and build that bond.
If we don't give them the "time", we don't give them the "chance" to love us.
That's why at Ocala Pet Sitting we do not offer visits less than 30 minutes, every day. It's not only for a check on their physical well-being, but also important to us to give them human companionship and build a bond. We never push an interaction and can confidently say that shy cats come to appreciate our quiet presence.
And we know they also appreciate the treats, the fresh food and water, and a fresh and clean litter box! Let's Sanitize that box!
(Add-on to Your
Pet Care)
Per Box
Give your kitty a fresh start! (Recommended every 30 days)
(We Visit You
Without Pet Care)
First Box
Empty, Sanitize, Refill & Refresh your Litter Box.
$20.00 each additional litter box.
First two Boxes
Daily, Weekly, Monthly litter box scoop & top-off service. $10.00 each additional litter box.